11 Rare Orchids That Look Like Animals (Including A Naked Man)

When you think of an orchid, what usually comes to mind is a pretty pink or white pot plant – right? Well orchids can be found in all shapes, sizes and colours and with more than 35,000 species of orchid in the world one could spend a lifetime discussing them all. Instead we thought it would be much more fun to share the surprising number of orchid species that bear an uncanny resemblance to animals. So in reverse order of similarity, here we go:
Number 11 – The Lion Orchid
Ok, so this one we just sneaked in because in this particular image the orchid looks like a bit like lion and under the rules of the internet, all blog posts must feature a photo of a cat. I have no idea which orchid this is, so if you have any idea, let us know. It even has whiskers!

Number 10 – The Donkey Orchid
Scientific Name: Diuris
Common Name: Donkey Orchid
Habitat: South West of Western Australia
Named the Donkey Orchid due to the two lateral petals, protruding from the top of the flower like the two ears of a donkey. You can almost see this flower squealing “Hee haawwww”!

Number 9 – The Goat Orchid
Scientific Name: Ophrys Reinholdii
Common Name: Reinhold’s Bee-orchid
Habitat: Southwest Balkans, Greece, Turkey, Iran & Iraq
This horned flower is said to look like a goat, although to me I would say it looks more like a purple-headed alien giraffe, with its long-necked stem. Either way it’s a bizarre looking flower.

Number 8 – The Bird Head Orchid
Scientific Name: Phalaenopsis sp.
Common Name: The Pink Moth Orchid
Habitat: Southwest Balkans, Greece, Turkey, Iran & Iraq
Some of these species supposedly resemble moths in flight, but within this gorgeous flower there is what looks like a curious ghost-like bird’s head guarding the nectar. Cool yet slightly creepy.

Number 7 – The Green Squid Orchid
Scientific Name: Prosthechea Cochleata
Common Name: Cockleshell Orchid or Clamshell Orchid
Habitat: Central America, Caribbean Basin, Florida Everglades
With their purple “hood” and floaty green legs these little flowers look like baby squids swimming in the sea. Either that or an alien invasion floating down from the sky to herald their impending takeover of Earth.

Number 6 – The Bee Orchid
Scientific Name: Ophrys Apifera
Common Name: Bee Orchid
Habitat: Europe
It looks like a female bumblebee visiting a flower and for good reason too. This sight attracts the male bee which tries to mate with the flower, in the process of which the bee is covered in pollen and then proceeds to spread it around. Clever stuff!

Number 5 – The White Egret Orchid
Scientific Name: Habenaria Radiata
Common Name: White Egret Flower, Fringed Orchid or Sagiso
Habitat: China, Korea and Russia
This orchid really is uncanny. Its fringed petals replicate a white egret spreading its fluffy white wings ready for take off.

Number 4 – The Fly Orchid
Scientific Name: Ophrys insectifera
Common Name: Fly Orchid
Habitat: Europe
Just like the Bee Orchid, this species resembles an insect in order to attract the male of the species, which pollinates the flowers as it attempts to mate with them. Not the prettiest of flowers unless you’re a male fly obviously.
Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/15494309@N00/2549545236/in/set-72157604381632332

Number 3 – The Dove Orchid
Scientific Name: Peristeria Elata
Common Name: Holy Ghost Orchid
Habitat: Central America to Ecuador and Venezuela
Similar to the Pink Moth Orchid this flower also has a hidden creature inside, in this case it’s an entire dove (well, not a real one, obviously). The bird looks exquisitely carved in an almost Holy stance and it is hard to believe it has been grown by nature.

Number 2 – The Flying Duck Orchid
Scientific Name: Caleana Major
Common Name: Flying Duck Orchid
Habitat: Eastern and Southern Australia
This incredible orchid looks like a duck in flight, albeit a pretty weird duck. Surely there is nothing more amazing that orchids can offer, or is there…?

Number 1 – The Monkey Orchid
Scientific Name: Dracula Simia & Orchis Simia
Common Name: Monkey Orchid, including one with the moniker “Naked Hanging Man Orchid”
Habitat: Southeastern Ecuador and Peru
Let’s stop monkeying around (I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist that) and get to the grand finale. Last but not least is our favourite of all the animal look-a-like orchids, these aptly named flowers either have monkey faces or monkey bodies! The best thing about them is they smell just like ripe orange when fully blossomed.

No matter their shape or size, these exotic flowers convey an elegance which make them perfect for gifts. So, which is your favourite? Or do you have any that you would like to add to the list?