For the person you love to the moon and back, this statement bouquet of roses, lilies and carnations will help you express your truest feelings. We’ve paired this beautiful Valentine’s Day bouquet with three delectable gifts to make the ultimate present for your loved one. Raise a toast with pink English sparkling wine from The Grange, tuck into 21 tasty chocolates with the LoveCocoa Signature Truffle Box Selection and fill their home with the scent of roses thanks to Glass & Wick’s Red Roses candle.
In the box
Our florists arrange this bouquet by hand with the following fresh flowers:
Red Roses, standard Carnations burgundy, spray rose red, calla lIly beijing, rose tacazzi, hypericum brown cherry, leucotoe foliage, cinerea and pistache.Champagne Pink GrangeGlass and Wick Rose CandleLove Cocoa Signature TrufflesAllergens for LoveCocoa Signature Truffle Selection Box Hazelnuts. wheat, milk, soya, lactose, and almonds. May contain traces of eggs, gluten, sesame seeds and nuts. For full ingredients list, please consult the packaging. The Grange Pink NV English Sparkling WineABV: 12.0%